But, have no fear! Teacher is here!
A number of things could have happened:
- The Man or Lady did not hold their frame. I said it before, and I'll say it again. If you are spinning, you need to hold your frame. It will prevent you and your partner from flying far apart and increasing the distance you have to spin. Not holding the frame can also lead to the next problem.
- The Lady opened when she wasn't supposed to. Ladies, know this. If you open when you aren't supposed to, it can mess things up, but there is not a single step where it will be a problem if you stay closed when the man wants you open. And remember! Hold the frame!
- The Man stepped straight back on the very first step with his left foot. Remember, the lady is going to step inside the man. Take this first step back and slightly to the left. Doing this will help the turn start at the proper time, and it will help the lady get around you to finish the step. If you step straight back, this step will never work!
- The lady didn't step inside the man on the first step with her right leg. I mentioned this above, but I thought I would stress it. This again can be caused by not holding the frame.
Here is a video of a combination starting with a Natural Turn, then Spin Turn, then a Reverse Turn for reference:
It starts with a Natural Turn, then Spin Turn, then a Reverse Turn.
Many other things may have happened, but this is a good list for starters!
So the moral of the story is? Holding your frame is important! I cannot stress this point enough. But I hope this helps you with your Spin Turn.
-Aaron Mullen
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