What is the difference between International Tango and all the other Standard dances?
Well, for starters, our movements are much sharper. When we move, we want to move our feet relatively quickly. Also, when executing a Link, which is essentially an opening to promenade, we whip our heads and bodies open very quickly, and stop in proper open/promenade position as quickly as we started.
But the difference I would like to focus on is how we use our knees in Tango.
As I have said before, in standard dances, we never want to get our knees completely straight. The same is true with Tango, but Tango has one major difference. There is no rise and fall in International Tango. We remain with our legs bent as I demonstrate here, and we step without rising or lowering in the ankles or knees.
Often when we do two quicks in a row, we want to straighten the knees a bit. If this happens, you will pop up. So you'll end up looking like a piece of toast popping out of the toaster! That definitely won't look good!. Try your very best to focus on staying down in the parts of the Tango with two quicks, as it is relatively easy to stay down on slow steps.
So to reiterate. Do not rise and fall in Tango! It does not fit the character of the dance!
-Aaron Mullen
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