Friday, January 13, 2012

A new year!


I haven't updated this blog in a while, so I though that the new year would be a good time to check in and write again.

Today I taught my first official group class at the Danbury senior center, or Elmwood Hall.  It was an interesting lesson to say the least.  First, many more people than I expected showed up, so we had to move some stuff around to permit for people to dance down the floor.  Then, the power went out, and with it went the lights AND the music!  Then the lady who runs the senior center (Susan) decided it was best for the seniors to leave a bit early, just in case they started tripping over things in the dark, so the class ended a few minutes early.  Despite all the mishaps, the seniors seemed to enjoy the lesson a great deal.

It was definitely an interesting time.

I am actually competing tomorrow, so wish me luck!

Aaron Mullen:  Ballroom Dance Instructor